Stellar Health Company Retreat 2024

Join #sh-retreat-2024 for live updates before & during the retreat!

Activities & Additional Details

Work at the Retreat – Work doesn’t stop just because we are on the retreat 

  • We have set aside “Work Blocks” within the agenda that people can use to catch up on work and take calls/meetings. 
  • Company Wide Sessions & Department Sessions are required to join
    • It is okay to excuse yourself from any of the activities that are not Company-wide or Department sessions if you would like to use the time for work
  • If you have any external meetings that conflict with a required session, that you are unable to move, please work with your manager to determine if it takes priority and if you can miss a certain session

Fun Time & Night Activities – Trivia, Camp Fun, VBC & Tunes & Toasted Marshmallows

  • Here are some activities to look forward to!


Club Getaway Map